Protege™ Integrated System User Manual
Power / Trouble Indicator
When FLASHING, indicates that there is a trouble condition present.
When ON, the system is powered and operating normally. If there is
a complete power failure this indicator will be OFF.
Disarmed Indicator
Indicates when the system is disarmed. When ON, the system is
disarmed, enter your user code to arm.
Armed / Alarm Indicator
When FLASHING the system is in alarm and you need to enter your
user code to silence the alarm. When ON, the system is armed, enter
your user code to disarm.
Indication of the system status and the operation of
the indicators are programmable and may not
function as above. Verify the operation with your
installation company or security professional.
The Protégé LCD keypad features a rich 32 Character LCD (Liquid
Crystal Display) showing customised messages. All messages are
shown on the LCD display screen.
When you press a key on the Protégé LCD keypad a short audible
tone is generated. Other tones are generated when certain functions
are used, you should be familiar with the following audible tone