miroVIDEO DC30 Series User´s Guide
A temporary storage area shared by all Windows programs used to hold data
during cut, copy, and paste operations. Any new data you place onto the
clipboard immediately replaces the existing data.
Replicating one part of an image within or between different images.
Abbreviation for Compressor/Decompressor, compresses (packs) and
decompresses (unpacks) image data.
There are different compression methods (
software CODECs and
hardware CODECs).
Number of bits delivering the color information for each pixel.
In the black-and-white operation 1-bit color depth means 2
=2 colors, 8-bit
color depth supply 2
=256 colors, 24-bit color depth 16,777,216 (=2
) colors.
A color model is a way to mathematically describe and define colors and the
way they relate to each other. Each color models has a specific purpose; the two
most common color models are RGB and HSB.
Number of colors the graphics system can generate.
Complementary colors are opposite in value to primary colors. If you were to
combine a color with its compliment, the result would be white. For example,
the complimentary colors of red, green, and blue are cyan, magenta, and yellow
Composite video encodes all image information in one signal.
A method for making files smaller in size on disk. There are two types of
compression: lossless and lossy. Files compressed with a lossless scheme can be
restored to their original state with no change to their original data. Lossy
schemes discard data during compression, so the file, when reopened is slightly
different. Ulead programs support schemes of both types depending on the file
A line that joins two control points in to establish a fixed path to follow during
an animation.
Points placed upon an image or effect that identify starting, ending, or
intermediate locations for objects during animation.
Selecting the visible image area.
Data per second, the amount of data which a mass storage medium (hard disk or
CD-ROM) saves/plays back per second or the amount of data of a video
sequence per second.
The measurement of the speed at which information passes between storage
mediums, (ex. CD ROM or Hard Disk), and the display device, (ex. Monitor or
MCI device). Depending on the devices used, some transfer rates may offer
better performance than others.
Color depth
Color model
Color palette
Composite video
Control line
Control point
Data rate
Data transfer