For deletion
A message to confirm the action appears.
Click the
button to delete the specified user ID.
(2) To set “Auto login”
Auto login
[Auto login Valid/Invalid]
Specifies if you want to
make the function valid or invalid.
When Invalid is selected
[Display login screen at power on.
Select to
display the login box when the power is turned on.
When Valid is selected
[Auto login in user ID before the power off.]
Select to automatically log onto the system with the
last logout user ID
This “Auto login” is not applicable if the last logout
user was in the service level.
[Auto login in specific user ID.
Select to
automatically log onto the system with the preset
user ID.
[Specific user ID]
Newly specifies a User ID.
Press the
User ID settings
button, and then the
“Login” box appears to specify a User ID.
(3) To set “Auto logout”
Auto logout
[Time management of user ID]
Select “Valid” to
display the User login screen automatically after the
specified time duration of no operation.
[Monitoring time in valid]
Specified how much time
(in minutes) to monitor no-operation state before
displaying the User login screen.
14-2. Memory clear
This function clears the data saved in the controller. Use this function to remove all of the files that you don’t need or use
it before you update software.
Memory clear
[File clear]
To clear teaching programs.
[All Clear]
To clear system setup data and teaching
This operation cannot be undone.
It is recommended to make a backup
copy before you execute the memory
clear operation.