If the DHCP server for the DSL router is enabled, you can
configure the network settings on the PC so that the
Obtain an IP address automatically
is set up.
If you disenable the DHCP server, you need to assign a
static IP address for the PCs that use the network settings.
To enable the DHCP server, select it.
If the DHCP server is enabled, you can define a lease
time. The lease time determines the period for which the
PCs retain the IP addresses assigned to them without
changing them.
If you disable DHCP server, the IP addresses do not
change. Activate this option if you want to perform NAT or
firewall settings using the IP addresses of the PCs.
Otherwise, you need to assign static IP addresses to
these PCs.
Define the range of IP addresses that the WLAN DSL
router should use to automatically assign IP addresses to
the PCs. Define the first issued IP address and the last
issued IP address.