Router (at this time, the DSL Router connects to only one PC).
From the aspect of the PC user, the PC dials up to obtain an IP
addres. But actually, the dial-up is done by the DSL Router.
If this function is disabled, the DSL Router itself obtains the
WAN IP address.
Use Static IP Address:
if this function is disabled, the DSL
Router obtains an IP address assigned by an uplink equipment
such as BAS, through PPPoE dial-up.
If this function is enabled, the DSL Router uses this IP address
as the WAN IP address.
After entering the PPP user name and password, click
and the following page appears.
In this page, you can modify the service name, and enable or
disable the IGMP multicast and WAN service.
Figure 50 PPPoA IGMP and WAN service
IGMP Multicast:
IGMP proxy. For example, if you wish that the
PPPoA mode supports IPTV, please enable this function.
WAN Service:
enable it, unless you do not want to active the
and the following page appears.
This page shows all the configuration. You can view the default
values of NAT enabled and Firewall enabled.