Preferred code list:
this item provides for you to specify the
priority of codec, and the priority of codec declined from left to
Codecs define the method of relaying voice data. Different
codecs have different characteristics, such as data
compression and voice quality. For Example, G.723 is a codec
that uses compression, so it is good for use where bandwidth is
limited but its voice quality is not as good compared to other
codecs such as the G.711.
If you specify none of the codecs, using the default value, the
DSL router chooses the codec automatically.
Preferred ptime:
this item is for you to set the packetization
time (PT). The PT is the length of the digital voice segment that
each packet holds. The default is 20 millisecond packets. If
selecting 10 millisecond packets enhances the voice quality, as
less information is lost due to packet loss, but doubles the load
on the network traffic.
SIP domain name:
fill in the SIP domain name or SIP server’s
IP address. If set to domain name, make sure it must be
resolvable to SIP server’s IP address.
Use SIP Proxy:
select the check box if your DSL router uses a
SIP proxy. SIP Proxy allows other parties to call DSL router
through it. When this item is checked, the following fields
SIP Proxy
: specify the proxy’s IP address.
SIP Proxy port:
the port that this proxy is listening. Default port
value is 5060.
Use SIP Outbound Proxy:
some network service providers
require the use of an outbound proxy. This is an additional
proxy, through which all outgoing calls are directed. In some
cases, the outbound proxy is placed alongside the firewall and
is the only way to let SIP traffic pass from the internal network
to the Internet. When this item is checked, the following fields
become visible:
SIP Outbound Proxy:
the outbound proxy’s IP address