Possible Solutions
Too much current is flowing through the drive.
• If using a PM motor, set the correct motor code to E5-01.
• If using a specialized motor, set parameter E5-xx to the correct value according to the Motor
Test Report.
Motor Does Not Operate When the RUN Button on the Digital Operator is Pressed
Possible Solutions
The LOCAL/REMOTE mode is not selected
Press the LOCAL/REMOTE button to switch. The LO/RE LED should be on for LOCAL
The drive is not in drive mode.
A run command will not be issued. Exit to the drive mode and cycle the run command.
The frequency reference is too low.
• If the frequency reference is set below the frequency set in E1-09 (Minimum Output
Frequency), the drive will not operate.
• Raise the frequency reference to at least the minimum output frequency.
Motor Does Not Operate When an External Run Command is Input
Possible Solutions
The LOCAL/REMOTE mode is not selected
Press the LOCAL/REMOTE button to switch. The LO/RE LED should be off for REMOTE
The drive is not in Drive Mode.
A run command will not be issued. Exit to the Drive mode and cycle the run command.
The frequency reference is too low.
• If the frequency reference is set below the frequency set in E1-09 (Minimum Output
Frequency), the drive will not operate.
• Raise the frequency reference to at least the minimum output frequency.
Motor Stops During Acceleration or When a Load is Connected
Possible Solution
• The load is too heavy.
• The limit of motor response may be reached during
rapid acceleration. This may be a result of improper
stall prevention or automatic torque boost function
Increase the acceleration time (C1-01) or reduce the motor load. Also, consider increasing the
motor size and/or drive size.
Motor Rotates in One Direction Only
Possible Solution
"Reverse run prohibited" is selected. If b1-04
(Reverse Prohibit Operation) is set to 1 (reverse run
prohibited), the drive will not accept a reverse run
Set b1-04 = “0” to allow reverse run operation.
Motor Operates at a Higher Speed than the Speed Command
Possible Solution
PID is enabled. If the PID mode is enabled (b5-01 =
1 to 4), the drive output frequency will change to
regulate the process variable to the target setpoint.
The PID can command a speed up to maximum output
frequency (E1-04).
If PID operation is not target, disable PID by setting b5-01 = “0”.
Poor Speed Control Accuracy Above Base Speed in Open Loop Vector Motor Control
Possible Solution
The maximum output voltage of the drive is
determined by its input voltage. Vector control uses
voltage to control the currents within the motor. If the
vector control voltage reference value exceeds the
drive output voltage capability, the speed control
accuracy will decrease because the motor currents
cannot be properly controlled.
Use a motor with a lower rated voltage compared to the input voltage.
Peripheral Devices Affected by Drive Operation
Possible Solutions
Radio frequency interference may be generated by
drive output PWM waveform.
• Change the Carrier Frequency Selection (C6-02) to lower the carrier frequency. This will
help to reduce the amount of transistor switching noise.
• Install an Input Noise Filter at the input power terminals.
• Install an Output Noise Filter at the motor terminals.
• Use conduit. Metal can shield electrical noise.
• Ground the drive and motor.
• Separate main circuit wiring from control wiring.
6.9 Troubleshooting without Fault Display
SIEP C710606 20 OYMC AC Drive - V1000 User Manual