CQM1-SRM21-V1 Master Unit for CQM1 PLCs
Section 4-4
Pin 1: ON
Pin 2: OFF
Pin 3: ON
PLC Word Allocation: 8 Words
The following diagram shows the I/O allocations when the DIP switch is set as
shown below.
Pin 1: OFF
Pin 2: ON
Pin 3: ON
Pin 1: ON
Pin 2: ON
Pin 3: ON
In 4-point mode, 8-point Slaves use two node numbers.
When the PLC word allocations are set to 8 words and an 8-output Slave’s
node number is set to 3, the Slave uses the words for Input Slave 3 and Input
Slave 4.
Node number setting
Node number actually used
8-point Slave
Odd number
Node number setting to node
number s 1
Even number
Inputs: First word
Inputs: First word + 1
Outputs: First word
Outputs: First word + 1
Output Slave 3
Output Slave 7
Input Slave 3
Input Slave 7
Input Slave 2
Input Slave 6
Input Slave 1
Input Slave 5
Input Slave 0
Input Slave 4
Output Slave 2
Output Slave 6
Output Slave 1
Output Slave 5
Output Slave 0
Output Slave 4
Inputs: First word
Inputs: First word + 1
Inputs: First word + 2
Inputs: First word + 3
Outputs: First word
Outputs: First word + 1
Outputs: First word + 2
Outputs: First word + 3
Output Slave 3
Output Slave 7
Output Slave 11
Output Slave 15
Input Slave 3
Input Slave 7
Input Slave 11
Input Slave 15
Input Slave 2
Input Slave 6
Input Slave 10
Input Slave 14
Input Slave 1
Input Slave 5
Input Slave 9
Input Slave 13
Input Slave 0
Input Slave 4
Input Slave 8
Input Slave 12
Output Slave 2
Output Slave 6
Output Slave 10
Output Slave 14
Output Slave 1
Output Slave 5
Output Slave 9
Output Slave 13
Output Slave 0
Output Slave 4
Output Slave 8
Output Slave 12