This abbreviation stands for "Constant Time"
Portamento. As with LINEAR, CONST Portamento provides an
even transition between notes. The difference is that the
MATRIX-GR's processor re-calculates the RA TE depending upon
the interval between notes. As an example, n will take the same
amount of time to glide between a Root note and ns Major 3rd as n
does to glide between the Root and four octaves. Because of this,
using a Rate VALUE of G3 gives a maximum Portamento speed of
about 70 seconds per octave, twice that of LIN EAR.
This stands for "Exponential" Portamento. Where
LINEAR gives an even transition between intervals, EXPO starts
out with a fast rate at the beginning of the glide and slows down as
the destination note is reached. As with CONST, using a Rate
VALUE of 63 gives a maximum EXPO speed of about 70 seconds
per octave.
This parameter is in actuality the fourth Portamento mode but is
programmed separately because of its unique operation. When
LEGATO PORTAMENTO is used, Portamento will be active only
when notes are played Legato (playing a new note without
immediately releasing the first note). No Portamento will be heard
while playing Staccato (playing a new note only after the first note has
been completely released).
This Portamento mode can only be used when parameter
48 KEYBOARD MODE is in UNISON . Putting the MATRIX-GR in
Polyphonic mode will automatically disable this mode. The next
section, "48 KEYBOARD MODE", describes the various playing
modes that the MATRIX-GR will respond to from the Master
This parameter allows you to set up the basic playing mode of
whatever instrument is used as the MATRIX-GR's Master controller.
There are three Basic modes and an interesting and useful Variation
that you can choose. And the mode that you select is programmable
with each patch.
The Basics:
When playing notes from the Master, this polyphonic
mode loops through the six Voices assigning each new note to
next available voice.
Abbreviation for "Reassign", this polyphonic mode is
similar to ROTATE but notes that have the same pitch (otherwise
known as "note value") are reassigned to the same voice. For
example, if you play Middle C it will be assigned to a certain voice.
Every time thereafter when Middle C is played from the Master, that
voice will play. "Reassign", by the way, is the KEYBOARD MODE
enabled in the Basic Patch.
M atrix-GR Owner's Manual