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About Veils

VCAs are the cornerstones of modular patches: shaping 

the amplitude of a sound with an envelope, animating a 

mixture of several oscillators, adjusting the amount of 

fi lter modulation with a random source or touch plates, 

controlling the amount of FM applied on an oscillator... 

are all possible uses of these super versatile building 


Veils provides four VCAs with an adjustable response 

curve and an offset control. Their outputs are dai-

sy-chained, allowing adjacent groups of 2, 3, or all 4 

channels, to be mixed together.

Veils requires a -12V / +12V power supply (2x5 pin 

connector). The red stripe of the ribbon cable (-12V side) 

must be oriented on the same side as the “Red stripe” 

marking on the board. The module draws 50mA from the 

-12V rail and 50mA from the +12V rail. Current con-

sumption can reach 70mA on either rail depending on 

the color and brightness of the LEDs.

Online manual and help

The full manual can be found online at

For help and discussions, head to


Quad VCA

Please refer to the online manual for detailed infor-
mation regarding compliance with EMC directives
