Since the three Envelopes are identical, their parameters are covered
together in the following discussion:
50, 60 & 70 DELAY
This is the time that the Envelope will wait before starting its cycle.
VALUE range is from
A setting of O means no Delay and the
Envelope will start its cycle with the Attack stage the moment it is
is the maximum Delay time.
5 1 , 61 & 71 ATTACK
After the DELAY stage is completed, this stage sets the amount of
time it will take for the Envelope to reach its output level (set in
parameters 55, 65 & 75 AM PLITUDE). VALUE range: O to
= instant ATTACK.
is the maximum Attack time.
52, 62 & 72 DECAY
After the A TT ACK stage finishes and the Envelope's output level is
reached, the Envelope will then start to decrease. DECAY sets the
time it will take for this decrease to occur. VALUE range: O to
O = instant DECAY.
is the maximum Decay time.
53, 63 & 73 SUSTAIN
The DECAY stage will decrease the output of the Envelope until the
SUSTAIN level is reached. SUSTAIN, then, sets the Envelope's
output level while you are holding a key or keys on the Master
controller's keyboard. It is important for you to understand that
SUSTAIN is not a time parameter but determines the Envelope's
output if a key or keys are held after the DELAY, A TT ACK and
DECAY stages.
If SUSTAIN is set to its maximum, there will be no decrease in the
Envelope's output until the keys you are holding are let go. In this
case, DECAY has no effect. The envelope will remain at whatever the
SUSTAIN level is until the keys you are holding are released.
VALUE range: O to
O = no SUSTAIN level and if keys are held
for the duration of the DECAY stage, the Envelope will return to its O
output level (its starting point).
= maximum Envelope output level
and is maintained while keys are held.
54, 64 & 74 RELEASE
After you have let go of the key or keys, the Envelope will continue
to decrease in output level until O level is reached. The RELEASE
parameter sets the time for this to occur. VALUE range is from O to
returns the Envelope instantly to its O level and
is the
maximum Release time.
55, 65 & 75 AMPLITUDE
As we mentioned earlier in this section, the Envelopes' primary
function is to increase and decrease a control signal's output level
over a time period. This output level is set by the AM PLITUDE
parameter. In ohter words, AM PLITUD E determines how much the
Envelope as a modulation source will affect Its destination. VALUE
range is from
Matrix-GR Owner's Manual