The AMOUNT of DC01 modulating the VCF can be controlled by
Envelope #3 (ENV3) . The characteristics of ENV3 are programmed
in its own Sub-Page; we are only concerned with the AMOUNT Value
affecting the Filter.
VALUE range is f ram -63 to +63. A setting of
is no effect. Using
positive Values increases the amount of ENV3 modulating the VCF.
As an example, if ENV3 is programmed to have slow A
D ECAY and RELEASE times, the effect of FM will be gradually heard
and then gradually fade. Using negative Values inverts ENV3 so that
the opposite effect is obtained: the effect of FM will be present when
the patch is first played, fade away and come back again.
The AMOUNT of DC01 modulating the VCF can also be controlled
by Keyboard PRESSU RE. Playing notes on the Master's keyboard
and pressing into the keys activates this function. It bears repeating
that if the Master controller that you are using does not have
PRESSURE or After-Touch, this parameter will not work.
VALUE range is from -63 to +63. A Value of
indicates no effect by
PRESSURE. Positive Values cause PRESSURE to increase the
amount of FM. As an example, pressing into the keys on the Master
controller increases the amount of FM affecting the Filter. As the
keys are released, FM modulation goes away. Negative Values
decrease FM by inverting the effect of PRESSU RE: FM modulation
is present when the patch is first played and pressing into the
Master's keys takes it away. Letting up on the keys brings the effect
of FM back.
The TRACKING GENERATOR ( PATCH EDIT Parameters 33 through 38) is
a circuit that allows you to "re-shape" a control source. In other words,
TRACK lets you take any one of the MATRIX-6R's modulation sources,
such as the LFO's, an Envelope or even the Keyboard, and use it in a
different way.
The Tracking Generator, like other circuits, has an I NPUT and an OUTPUT.
The IN PUT is any one of the MATRIX-6R's modulation sources that you
want to change. The OUTPUT is the result of changing the five "Points" in
the TRACKING GEN ERA TOR that form a "response curve" allowing you to
re-shape this modulation.
Matrix-SR Owner's Manual