GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Configuring Switching Information
v1.0, July 2009
Creating LAGs
Link aggregation groups (LAGs), which are also known as port-channels, allow you to combine
multiple full-duplex Ethernet links into a single logical link. Network devices treat the aggregation
as if it were a single link, which increases fault tolerance and provides load sharing. You assign the
LAG VLAN membership after you create a LAG. The LAG by default becomes a member of the
management VLAN.
A LAG interface can be either static or dynamic, but not both. All members of a LAG must
participate in the same protocols. A static port-channel interface does not require a partner system
to be able to aggregate its member ports.
Static LAGs are supported. When a port is added to a LAG as a static member, it neither transmits
nor receives LAGPDUs.
The LAG folder contains links to the following features:
“LAG Configuration” on page
“LAG Membership” on page
“LACP Configuration” on page
“LACP Port Configuration” on page
LAG Configuration
Use the LAG (Port Channel) Configuration page to group one or more full-duplex Ethernet links
to be aggregated together to form a link aggregation group, which is also known as a port-channel.
The switch treats the LAG as if it were a single link.
To access the LAG Configuration page:
LAG Configuration
in the navigation tree.
The GS716T supports 2 LAGs and GS724T supports 4 LAGs.