Technical Information
G 600/G 800
Figure 5-29: Sliding the Circulation Pump Tool into the Circulation Pump Intake Opening ... 66
Figure 5-30: Engaging the Prongs in the Circulation Pump Impeller ..................................... 67
Figure 5-31: Turning the Circulation Pump Tool .................................................................... 67
Figure 5-32: Heater Pressure Switch and Circulation Pump ................................................. 68
Figure 5-33: Drain Pump Removal ........................................................................................ 68
Figure 5-34: Top Solo Valve on Circulation Pump ................................................................ 69
Figure 5-35: Releasing the Overflow Level Switch from the Connecting Strip ...................... 69
Figure 5-36: Self-Tensioning Sump Clamp ........................................................................... 70
Figure 5-37: Non-Self-Tensioning Sump Clamp; Tighten to a Gap of 22mm ........................ 70
Figure 5-38: Fully Integrated (Vi) Control Panel .................................................................... 71
Figure 5-39: Control Panel (Novotronic and Touchtronic) ..................................................... 72
Figure 5-40: Removing the Mounting Bracket ....................................................................... 73
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Summary of Dimensions ...................................................................................... 17
Table 4-1: Detergent Quantity in Combination Dispensers C2.06 and C2.09 ....................... 25
Table 4-2: Rinse Aid Dispensing (Combination Dispensers C2.06 and C2.09) ..................... 26
Table 4-3: Flow-Through Heater Electrical Data ................................................................... 28
Table 4-4: Spray Arm Rotation Speeds ................................................................................. 29
Table 4-5: WaterProof System Data ..................................................................................... 30
Table 4-6: Flow Restrictor Data ............................................................................................. 30
Table 4-7: Water Inlet Mixer Data ......................................................................................... 30
Table 4-8: Reactivation Cycle Timing .................................................................................... 39
Table 4-9: Circulation and Drain Pump Data ......................................................................... 41
Table 4-10: Temperature Sensor R30 Resistance Values .................................................... 44
Table 4-11: Activation of Components .................................................................................. 46
Table 6-1: G 841, G 841 Plus, G 842 Programming Flow Chart ........................................... 82
Table 6-2: G 841, G 841 Plus, G 842 Programming Functions ............................................. 83
Table 6-3: G 841, G 841 Plus, G 842 Water Hardness Chart ............................................... 83
Table 6-4: G 841, G 841 Plus, G 842 Service Mode 2 Functions .......................................... 84
Table 6-5: G 841, G 841 Plus, G 842 Fault Code Chart ........................................................ 85
Table 6-6: G 841, G 841 Plus, G 842 Program Indices ......................................................... 85
Table 6-7: G 848 Programming Flow Chart ........................................................................... 86
Table 6-8: G 848 Programming Functions ............................................................................ 86
Table 6-9: G 848 Water Hardness Chart ............................................................................... 87
Table 6-10: G 848 Service Mode 2 Functions ....................................................................... 88
Table 6-11: G 848 Fault Code Chart ..................................................................................... 89
Table 6-12: G 848 Program Indices ...................................................................................... 89
Table 6-13: G 811, G 851, G 851 Plus, G 856, G 856 Plus Programming Flow Chart .......... 90
Table 6-14: G 811, G 851, G 851 Plus, G 856, G 856 Plus Programming Functions ............ 90
Table 6-15: G 811, G 851, G 851 Plus, G 856, G 856 Plus Water Hardness Chart .............. 91
Table 6-16: G 811, G 851, G 851 Plus, G 856, G 856 Plus Service Mode 2 Functions ........ 92
Table 6-17: G 811, G 851, G 851 Plus, G 856, G 856 Plus Fault Code Chart ...................... 92
Table 6-18: G 811, G 851, G 851 Plus, G 856, G 856 Plus Program Indices........................ 93
Table 6-19: G 680, G 880 Programming Flow Chart ............................................................. 93
Table 6-20: G 680, G 880 Programming Functions ............................................................... 94
Table 6-21: G 680, G 880 Water Hardness Settings ............................................................. 95
Table 6-22: G 680, G 880 Program Sequence LEDs ............................................................ 95
Table 6-23: G 680, G 880 Service Mode 2 Functions ........................................................... 96
Table 6-24: G 680, G 880 Fault Codes ................................................................................. 97
Table 6-25: G 680, G 880 Program Indices........................................................................... 97
Table 6-26: G 681, G 881 Novo Stella, G 886 Novo Stella Plus Programming Flow Chart ... 98