Technical Information
G 600/G 800
It is essential to note correct position of the valve before removal. (The direction of
flow is marked by an arrow on the valve housing.)
3. Pull the valve (Figure 5-34, Item 3) away from the circulation pump.
Figure 5-34:
Top Solo Valve on Circulation Pump
During re-installation of the Top solo valve, ensure that the cutout on the valve
housing engages with the lug on the circulation pump housing.
Overflow Level Switch Removal
1. Remove as much water as possible from the sump.
2. Remove the cover plate. See Section 5.5.
3. Locate the overflow level switch mounted on the right/rear side of the connecting
4. Press the retaining clips toward each other (Figure 5-35, Item A); push in to
release the switch from the frame (Figure 5-35, Item B).
5. Disconnect the switch electrical connection and hose.
Figure 5-35:
Releasing the Overflow Level Switch from the Connecting Strip
Sump Removal
1. Remove as much water as possible from the sump.
2. Open the door; remove the bottom spray arm and filter assembly.