MI 3290 Earth Analyser
General Settings
A list of Auto Sequence
s® is deleted.
8.9 Workspace manager
The Workspace Manager is intended to manage with different Workspaces and Exports that are
stored into internal data memory.
8.9.1 Workspaces and Exports
The works with MI 3290 can be organized and structured with help of Workspaces and Exports.
Exports and Workspaces contain all relevant data (measurements, parameters, limits, structure
objects) of an individual work.
Workspaces are stored on internal data memory on directory WORKSPACES, while Exports are
stored on directory EXPORTS. Export files can be read by Metrel applications that run on other
devices. Exports are suitable for making backups of important works. To work on the instrument an
Export should be imported first from the list of Exports and converted to a Workspace. To be stored
as Export data a Workspace should be exported first from the list of Workspaces and converted to
an Export.
8.9.2 Workspace Manager main menu
In Workspace manager Workspaces and Exports are displayed in two separated lists.
Figure 8.10: Workspace manager menu
List of Workspaces.
Displays a list of Exports.
Adds a new Workspace. Refer to chapter
List of Exports.
Displays a list of Workspaces.