Check the hours remaining “REMAIN H”
before the appearance of the message
Switch off the appliance with key 1, press
key 17, the display will show “MANUAL
CLEAN”, turn the SCROLLER to display
“ B O I L E R C L E A N ” , p r e s s k e y 1 9 a n d
“ S T A R T ” a p p e a r s , t u r n t h e S C R O L L E R
a n d “ R E M A I N H ” a p p e a r s , p r e s s k e y
19, the display will show the number of
boiler working hours remaining until it is
necessary to descale the boiler so as to be
able to get the operation organized in time.
Turning on the “BOILER CLEAN” cycle
Switch off the appliance with key 1, press
key 16, the display will show “MANUAL
CLEAN”, turn the SCROLLER to display
“ B O I L E R W A S H ” , p r e s s k e y 1 9 a n d
“ S T A R T ” a p p e a r s , p r e s s k e y 1 9 . T h e
d i s p l a y 9 d i s p l a y s i n s e q u e n c e “ S . G .
DRAIN” then “S.G. RINSING” indicating
the automatic operations of boiler draining
a n d w a s h i n g , t h e n “ W A I T ” a p p e a r s ,
f o l l o w e d b y “ F I L L D E S C A L E R ” w i t h a
cyclic beep telling the operator to add the
descaling agent after unscrewing the cap A
(the dilution per litre, if necessary, should
be performed as per the directions given by
its manufacturer), observing the capacity of
the boiler, see table:
Close the cap “A”.
Press key 15; the display 9 shows “BOILER
FILL” and the boiler fills to capacity with
water mixed with descaling detergent.
“DESCALING 1”: This is the first automatic
cycle permitting the boiler to heat up and
hold its temperature for 30 minutes so
the descaling agent can act effectively,
after which time the boiler drains off “S.G.
DRAIN” the content (impurity of detergent
mixed with water). Check that it flows out
freely, if it does not then call in the technical
assistance service as the drain could be
blocked and the boiler need servicing.
This problem is also indicated by the fault
warning display 9 (see “Self-diagnosis and
fault identification”).
Afterwards the boiler is cleaned of the more
resistant particles of scale by forcing in
ordinary mains water “S.G.RINSING”, then
fill with cleaned water “BOILER FILL”.
“ D E S C A L I N G 2 ” : T h i s i s t h e s e c o n d
automatic cycle that permits operating
the oven with steam for 25 min. so as to
thoroughly cleanse the steam generator
and the pipes for introducing steam into
the oven. The cycle is completed with the
phases of: drain boiler “DRAIN B”, wash
boiler “WASH B” by introducing ordinary
mains water and filling with cleaned water
22 • DESCALING THE BOILER (if present)
6 x GN 1/1
10 x GN 1/1
10 x GN 2/1
20 x GN 1/1
20 x GN 2/1
7 x GN 2/1
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