MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 7.0
System Programming
Issue 1
April 1999
Programming Procedures
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Link
Computer Telephony Integration
(CTI) Link
Release 5.0 and later systems support the use of an MLX port as a Computer
Telephony Integration (CTI) link on Hybrid/PBX mode systems. The CTI link
feature allows CTI applications to interact with the MERLIN LEGEND
Communications System over a local area network (LAN). The CTI link is the
system’s hardware and software interface to the Lucent Technologies
PassageWay Telephony Services product, which supports the Windows
Windows NT, Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups, Apple
systems platforms on the client side. CTI link circuitry connects to
an MLX port on the system and to a LAN server using Novell NetWare (releases
3.12, 4.1, and 4.11) or Windows NT 4.0 Server or Workstation software (Server is
Programming a CTI Link
Before programming a CTI link, refer to the
Feature Reference
System Planning
and the documentation provided with the telephony platform.
The following constraints apply to programming an MLX port as a CTI link:
CTI links cannot be used with communications systems operating in Key
mode or Behind Switch mode.
CTI link extensions cannot be programmed on tip/ring or analog multiline
extension module ports. You must chose a free extension jack on an MLX
extension module. The free extension jack cannot be the first or fifth port
on an 008 MLX, 408 GS/LS-MLX, or 408 GS/LS-ID-MlX module; or the
first, fifth, ninth, or thirteenth port on an 016 MLX module (Release 7.0 and
later systems).
You cannot use a port reserved for an operator extension as the CTI link
You cannot use a system programming port as the CTI link extension.
You cannot program a port as a CTI link if it has a telephone or other
equipment connected to it.
MLX modules with firmware vintage 29 do not work correctly with the CTI
link. You must either choose a port on a board with firmware vintage that is
not 29 or replace the module with a module that has a firmware vintage
other than 29.