Leica ST5020
Before moving to the 'parking' position, the transfer arm completes
the movement cycle in progress. Wait UNTIL the transfer arm is in
the parking position before opening the instrument lid.
• While the instrument is in pause mode, alarm type 3 sounds and a di
alog box (see left) indicates
• Press
to resume staining.
Caution - exact steps!
If staining is interrupted, immersion times during PAUSE will not
be identical to those in the chosen program(s).
When PAUSE is pressed while an exact step is in progress, stain-
ing results might be negatively affected! The duration of the step
will be extended by the duration of the pause. If PAUSE buttun has
been pressd druring an exact step is in process, a warnig message
will be appear in the dialog box.
Programs cannot be modified neither while staining is in progress
nor in pause mode.
5. Operation
A staining process can be interrupted:
• to gain access to the instrument in case any
problems occurring during staining require
user intervention.
• to check or change reagents.
• Press
interrupt all staining programs in progress at
any given time.
The PAUSE button is displayed only
when the instrument is in user mode
and at least one staining program is
being run.
5.8.3 Interrupting a staining program
Fig. 69