Instructions for Use, V2.0, RevG - 07/2016
• The clip is now identified via the transponder signal.
Its current allocation (color - program) is displayed.
• Press
• Clip color and program code are displayed on the station button.
• Select the station (
in our example).
• Press the color button containing the new color you wish to allocate to
the clip.
• The new color and, if that color was allocated to a different station be
fore, the station code, is/are displayed on the station button.
• Press
to complete the color allocation procedure.
• As the color 'white' has been selected, the instrument switches auto
matically to
, where you can allocate the
desired program to the rack which is now equipped with a 'white' clip.
• Once the program has been completed, you can repeat the above pro
cedure to return the clip to its original (true) color.
Manual color allocation
Go to
to assign a new
color to a clip already linked to
a different color.
A purple clip currently not
needed needs to be defined as
'white', as a white clip is need-
ed but currently not available.
Proceed as follows:
• Place a rack bearing the clip
the color of which you want
to redefine into any one of
the load stations and close
the drawer.
Fig. 64
5. Operation