Leica ST5020
5. Operation
Some button symbols may look differently depending on whether they
have been enabled or disabled.
Disabled button symbols appear in a lighter color than enabled ones.
They are only shown to complement the menu being displayed, in or-
der to avoid mix-ups and to remind the user that the corresponding
function has been disabled. They can, however, not be accessed.
There are several functions where the user can choose from a number
of given parameters.
If there are only two parameters available, the parameter currently
enabled is shown on the button. Pressing the button switches to the
alternative parameter.
If there is a choice of more than two parameters, the range of avail-
able parameters is shown on the button in square brackets.
Each time the button is pressed, the next parameter is accessed, start-
ing again with the first after the last one in the row has been selected.
Button symbols
The six buttons described below have the same function in all menus.
On the left side of the button bar (
Fig. 26
) there will either be the button
To go back to the previous menu.
or the two buttons
To exit the current menu (new entries will be stored
upon exiting).
To exit the current menu without storing any of the
modifications made.
Displayed in menus containing tables and lists.
If pressed, the list selected will be printed immedi-
ately. Immediate printing does not affect the daily
printout of all protocols (
see chapter 5.4.6
To go back to the main menu (
see chapter 5.3.4
The online HELP feature can be accessed from any
screen. HELP provides context-sensitive explana-
tions, i.e. help topics displayed will vary depending
on the menu HELP is accessed from.