Installation & Operation Manual
Page 5-22
March 30, 2017
Revision K Left/Right Deviation Cross-Pointer Format
The color of the left/right needle has the DEVIATION NEEDLES COLOR based on unit configuration
with a black outline. The left/right needle’s width will not be greater than the width of the boresight mark,
and its length is twice as long as 110% of its full-scale deflection. The left/right needle has a black mark
near each end, at the 100% full-scale point, and a pair of additional black marks separated by the width of
the boresight mark, symmetrical about the center point of the needle. These four black marks form a scale
for the up/down deviation cross pointer symbol when it is present. The left/right needle is drawn in front
of all other symbology except for the boresight mark, overlaying the up/down needle if present, and
obscures those parts of the up/down cross pointer symbol that it covers.
When the left/right deviation indicator is shown without an up/down deviation indicator to provide
scaling reference, two yellow dots are drawn on the wings of the aircraft reference symbol at the lateral
100% full-scale point Up/Down Deviation Cross-Pointer Dynamics
The up/down deviation cross-pointer symbol consists of a single horizontal “needle”, centered horizontally
on the square boresight mark that moves up and down to indicate the up/down deviation. For zero deviation,
this up/down needle is located behind the square boresight mark. Full-scale up/down deviation corresponds
to the distance representing full scale for the left/right needle. The up/down needle’s movement is
constrained to 110% of full-scale deflection in each direction from the boresight mark. Up/Down Deviation Cross-Pointer Format
The up/down needle has the same format as the right/left needle, rotated by 90°. The up/down needle is
drawn in front of all other symbology except the left/right needle and are drawn such that it does not
obscure the black scaling marks on the left/right deviation cross pointer symbol. Course Data
The course data are shown in the upper left corner of the attitude display area, below the VORx, ILSx,
TCNx, FMSx, GPSx, or NAVx. The course data are shown as three medium size digits with leading zeros. Distance Data
The DME distance, TACAN distance, or FMS distance to waypoint data is shown in the upper right
corner of the attitude display area. If after rounding to a whole number the distance is > 999, the digit
field displays "---”. Ground Speed Data
The DME ground speed or TACAN ground speed data is shown in the lower left corner of the attitude
display area above the area of the optional heading display. The ground speed data is shown using three
medium size digits, right justified without leading zeros. If after rounding to a whole number the ground
speed is > 999, the digit field displays "---”. Time-To-Station Data
The DME time-to-station or TACAN time-to-station data is shown in the lower right corner of the
attitude display area above the area of the optional heading display. The time-to-station data is shown
using medium size digits, right justified without leading zeros. Desired Track Data
The desired track data is shown in the upper left corner of the attitude display area, below the FMS
descriptor, as shown in Figure 5-13. The desired track data is shown as three medium size digits with
leading zeros.