Installation & Operation Manual
Page 5-20
March 30, 2017
Revision K
Figure 5-12: ILS Mode with DME
The test annunciator “NAV TST” is shown in the medium character size having NAV TST Annunciator
Color based on unit configuration, replacing the source descriptor and its modifiers in the upper left side
of the attitude display area.
The marker annunciators "O", "M", or "I" is shown in the medium character size. Each having Marker
Annunciator Background based on unit configuration; and having O Annunciator Color, M Annunciator
Color and I Annunciator Color, respectively, based on unit configuration; at the second line from the
bottom right side of the attitude display area.
Figure 5-13: FMS Mode
The data descriptors “NM”, “KTS”, “MIN”, “CRS”, “DTK”, and “BRG” is shown in the small character
size. Each following the digits in the distance, ground speed, time to station, course, desired track, and
bearing fields, respectively. Each having NM Annunciator Color, KTS Annunciator Color, MIN
Annunciator Color, CRS Annunciator Color, DTK Annunciator Color, and BRG Annunciator Color,
respectively, based on unit configuration.