RA83/84/85/93/94/95 Series
Chapter 6
Using The Menu
Operation Manual
Speed through Water/Speed Over Ground
The TARGET ID is applied from 0 to 19 automatically. When a target has moved out of
LIM range or been lost, the ID number being used will be applied to other newly
entered target automatically.
6.8.4 AIS target symbols
According to the AIS operational status, the following target symbols are used.
Activated Target
A target, which the AIS user has activated is termed “Activated Target” and is supplied
with an ID number (0 to 20). The vector time and mode are determined with the
settings being made for the radar plotting function.
Rate Of Turn Indicator
AIS vector
(speed and course
over ground)
Heading Direction
(fixed length)
The target turning to the starboard
Target number
Figure 6.9 Activated Target Symbol
Sleeping Target
A target, which is not activated by the AIS user is termed “Sleeping Target.” The target
has no ID, vectors or ROT information, only showing the presence of a vessel with AIS
Figure 6.10 Sleeping Target Symbol
Selected Target
A target selected by the AIS user is termed “Selected Target.” A target to be selected
can be Activated or Sleeping, whatever. Once selected, a dashed square is drawn
around the target and AIS data (MMSI, CPA, TCPA, COG and SOG) will be displayed
in the AIS data window.
Figure 6.11 Selected Target Symbol