Model 6517B Electrometer Reference Manual
Section 14: SCPI command reference
6517B-901-01 Rev. C / August 2015
:REFerence <n>
This command is used to specify reference volts, amps, ohms, and coulombs.
[:SENSe[1]]:VOLTage[:DC]:REFerence <n>
[:SENSe[1]]:CURRent[:DC]:REFerence <n>
[:SENSe[1]:RESistance:REFerence <n>
[:SENSe[1]]:CHARge:REFerence <n>
:REFerence? DEFault
:REFerence? MINimum
:REFerence? MAXimum
-210 to 210:
Reference for volts
-21e-3 to 21e-3:
Reference for amps
0 to 100e18:
Reference for ohms
-2.1e-6 to 2.1e-6:
Reference for coulombs
0 (All functions)
Minimum value for specified function
Maximum value for specified function
These commands are used to establish a reference value for the specified function. When Reference
is enabled (see
:STATe <b>
(on page 14-72) for
), the result is the algebraic
difference between the input signal and the reference value:
Reading = Input signal - Reference
On the ohms function, the input signal is considered to be the computed resistance value seen at the
input. Thus, the final result is the algebraic difference between the input resistance and the reference.
Note that a reference for the current component of a resistance measurement can be established.
From the front panel, reference is called relative (REL).
:REFerence <n>
command is coupled to the
command. The last command sent
:REFerence <n> or :ACQuire
) establishes the reference. When a reference is set using the
:REFerence <n>
command, the
query command returns the programmed value.
Conversely, when a reference is set using the
command, the
command returns the acquired reference value.
Also see
(on page 14-72)
Relative (REL)
(on page 5-20)