Section 12: Common commands
Model 6517B Electrometer Reference Manual
6517B-901-01 Rev. C / August 2015
Common command summary
Common commands (summarized in the table below) are device commands that are common to all
devices on the bus. These commands are designated and defined by the IEEE-488.2 standard.
IEEE-488.2 common commands and queries
Mnemonic Name
Clear status
Clears all event registers, and error queue.
*ESE <NRf>
Event enable command
Program the standard event enable register.
Event enable query
Read the standard event enable register.
Event status register query
Read the standard event status register and clear it.
Identification query
Returns the manufacturer, model number, serial
number, and firmware revision levels of the unit.
Operation complete command Sets the operation complete bit in the standard event
status register after all pending commands have been
Operation complete query
Places an ASCII "1" into the output queue when all
pending selected device operations have been
Option identification query
Returns an ID code that indicates which memory
option is installed and whether or not the optional
scanner card is installed.
*RCL <NRf>
Recall command
Returns the Model 6517B to the setup configuration
stored in the specified memory location.
Reset command
Returns the Model 6517B to the
*SAV <NRf>
Save command
Saves the current setup to the specified memory
*SRE <NRf>
Service request enable
Programs the service request enable register.
Service request enable query
Reads the service request enable register.
Read status byte query
Reads the status byte register.
Trigger command
Sends a bus trigger to the 6517B.
Self-test query
Performs a checksum test on ROM and returns the
Wait-to-continue command
Wait until all previous commands are executed.
* See
Status Structure
(on page 13-1) for status structure details.