Section 8: Buffer (data store)
Model 6517B Electrometer Reference Manual
6517B-901-01 Rev. C / August 2015
With this menu selection, you specify the number of readings to store.
ENTER-COUNT: This item allows you to specify the buffer size. The maximum buffer size is 50,000
The minimum buffer size is one reading. Note that with only one reading stored in the buffer, the
buffer math operations (MIN, MAX, StdDev) may not be useful or may not return valid data.
USE-TRIGGER-MODEL: This selection lets you default to the measure count in the present trigger
configuration, as long as the measure count is a finite value.
This menu item controls the type of data storage.
FILL-AND-STOP: This control selection fills the buffer then stops. The readings can be recalled
following testing.
PRETRIGGER: This selection continuously stores readings until a user-programmed trigger event
occurs. It then stores post-trigger readings. For example, with a buffer size of 100 readings, there can
be 50 readings stored before the trigger event and 50 readings stored after the trigger. The first
reading after the trigger is reading zero. Pretrigger readings have reading numbers and relative time-
stamps with a minus sign; post-trigger readings have reading numbers and relative time-stamps with
a plus sign. After selecting PRETRIGGER, configure pretrigger control further as follows:
PERCENTAGE or READING-COUNT: Specify the number of readings to store before the trigger
event as a percentage of the total number of stored readings, or as a number of pretrigger
readings. You are prompted to enter the percentage or count value.
EVENT: Selects the source of the pretrigger or "mark-point" event. This can be a Manual, GPIB,
trigger link or External trigger.
CONTINUOUS: With this control selection, readings are always stored in the buffer. The process
continues, with the oldest readings being overwritten in a circular manner, until storage is interrupted
with the
NEVER: Gets set to this if data storage has been interrupted. Pressing the
key changes
This action (yes or no) can be used at any time to clear the data buffer of all stored readings and
buffer statistics.