Section 14: SCPI command reference
Model 6517B Electrometer Reference Manual
6517B-901-01 Rev. C / August 2015
Command Description
Read the positive transition register
:NTRansition <NRf>
Program the negative transition register
(Note 5)
Read the negative transition register
Read the condition register
Path to control questionable status registers:
Read the event register
(Note 2)
:ENABle <NRf>
Program the enable register
(Note 3)
Read the enable register
:PTRansition <NRf>
Program the positive transition register
(Note 4)
Read the positive transition register
:NTRansition <NRf>
Program the negative transition register
(Note 5)
Read the negative transition register
Read the condition register
Return status registers to default states
Path to access error queue:
Read the most recent error message
(Note 6)
:ENABle <list>
Specify error and status messages for queue
(Note 7)
Read the enabled messages
:DISable <list>
Specify messages not to be placed in queue
(Note 7)
Read the disabled messages
Clears all messages from error queue
Commands in this subsystem are not affected by
. The effects of cycling power,
, and
are explained by the following notes.
1. Event registers: Power-up and
Clears all bits of the registers.
No effect.
2. Enable registers: Power-up and
Clears all bits of the registers.
No effect.
3. PTR registers: Power-up and
Sets all bits of the registers.
No effect.
4. NTR registers: Power-up and
Clears all bits of the registers.
No effect.
5. Error queue: Power-up and
Clears the error queue.
No effect.
6. Enable/disable error queue messages: Power-up: Clears list of messages.
No effect.