D3-DA 3xx/x
Connections and wiring
Project engineering manual V1.07
The safety terminal X26A is realized with a 2-floor 2x3 pole clamp grid di-
mension 3.5 mm.
Typ: MCDN 1,5/3-G1-3,5
Motor connection
1) Specify the cable cross-section dependent on the continuous current of
the drive axis and ambient temperature. The best method is use the pre-
assembled motor cable.
2) Connect the shielded motor cable to terminals X31/A / X31/B / X31/C, U,
V, W connect the motor to earth at earth symbol. Mount shield at both
ends to reduce interference emission. Fasten shield connection plate for
the motor connection Motor1 using both screws. When using the appro-
priate motor cable the shield contacts already exist on both sides.
3) Wire the temperature sensor (if fitted) to X31/A / X31/B / X31/C using
separate shielded cables and activate the temperature evaluation using
DriveManager. The motor cables from KEBA have a shielded wire pair
for temperature evaluation integrated and the shield has contact with the
connectors on both sides.
4) If fitted, connect the motor brake to X31/A / X31/B / X31/C -1, 2. The mo-
tor cables from KEBA have a shielded wire pair for motor brake inte-
grated and the shield has contact with the connectors on both sides
Motor cable
All motor cables must be shielded. Equivalent shielded cables must be used
for the connection of motors from other manufacturers.
For more information about motor cables see
In the event of a short-circuit or earth fault in the motor cable, the power
stage is disabled and an error message is issued.
Connection diagram motor connections
For the connections X31/A / X31/B / X31/C -1, 2 it is to be ensured that the
temperature sensor used has minimum one basic isolation according to EN
61800-5-1 in relation to the motor winding and the brake lines must have a
double or strengthened isolation to dangerous voltages.