D3-DA 3xx/x
Safety functions
Project engineering manual V1.07
Example: STO and SBC control via light grid
The control of STO1 is done via a safety light grid with OSSD outputs. The
reset button releases after leaving the danger area (start/restart interlock).
Fig. 8-46: STO control via light grid
... Light grid
... D3-DA 3xx/x
Short circuits on the OSSD outputs to 24 V an other outputs must be
detected from the light grid via diagnosis measurements and then
changed into safe state.
The failure "Simultaneous short circuit of both outputs to 24 V" must be
excluded by suitable wiring!
Example: STO and SBC control directly via supply module
It is for example possible to control the safety functions STO and SBC via
safety door, without using the safety control. Therefore the door switch must
be supplied via testoutputs of the D3-DP 3xx/x (to recognize cross circuits in
the input circuit). The cross circuit test must be configured suitable via the
DIP switch.
It is recommended to use a safety control and use prefered one of the
above mentioned connection examples!