D3-DA 3xx/x
Appendix: Estimation of system performance
Project engineering manual V1.07
Appendix: Estimation of system performance
In this chapter, an example for the calculation of the maximum available ef-
fective power in the DC link of the axis group as well as for the estimation of
the rated power output of an axis module is given.
Calculation of the maximum available effective power
The maximum effective power of the DC link of the axis group is restricted
Effective power of the supply module (10 kW or 22 kW at a supply volt-
age of 3 x 400 V AC)
Available DC link capacity (for 1 kW 100 µF are required)
A supply module with 10 kW supplies a single axis module with 24 A and a
triple axis module with 12 A. The supply module can provide up to 10 kW ef-
fective power output at the DC link permanently, if the sum of all DC link ca-
pacities is ≥ 1,000 μF.
DC link capacity
Supply module
10 kW
330 μF
Single axis module
24 A
675 μF
Triple axis module
12 A
405 μF
330 + 405 + 675 = 1,410
The available DC link capacity of the axis group in this example is 1,410 µF.
Therefore the available effective power of the DC link is 10 kW. All axis can
not take more than in total 10 kW effective power permanently from the DC
Estimation of output power
The effective power of the DC link as well as the power output of one or
more axis depends on the used supply module and the supplied axis mod-
ules. The following example shows an estimation of the effective power out-
put of a triple axis module with 12 A.
A supply module with 10 kW supplies a triple axis module with 12 A. With
sufficient DC link capacity, the supply module can provide permanently up to
10 kW effective power at the DC link.
DC link capacity
Supply module
10 kW
330 μF