Art. No. DS 4092 TS
telegram", the only difference being that
the device can also switch off the
activated actuator by means of a rotary
knob operation. Since this operation
concept performs switching and
dimming, it can be used autonomously
without any additional operating
Command on turning /
rotation direction
Clockwise: brighter ON /
anticlockwise: darker OFF
Clockwise: Darker OFF /
anticlockwise: brighter
When using the rotary knob function
"Dimming", it is possible to dim or
optionally switch lighting systems by
activating dimmer actuators. Likewise,
KNX speed controllers can be
addressed whereby motors can be
switched on and off and the speed
changed. This parameter specifies the
switching and dimming command
(lighter ON / darker OFF) for the
operating direction of the rotary knob
movement (clockwise or anticlockwise).
Dimming step width
Dim brighter/darker by
100 %
When operating the rotary knob, a 4-bit
dimming telegram (relative dimming)
with a step width of 100 % is already
transmitted after the first notch
(minimum rotation angle) with the
operation concepts "Dimming without
OFF telegram" and "Dimming with OFF
telegram". By using the maximum
dimming step width, the entire
brightness range can be operated. As
soon as the rotary knob is no longer
operated, the device transmits a stop
telegram after the configurable "Time for
standstill after each operation" in the
ETS has elapsed, which stops the
dimming process.
This parameter is only visible with the
operation concepts "Dimming without
OFF telegram" and "Dimming with OFF
Dimming step width
Dim brighter/darker by
1.5 %
3 %
6 %
The operation concept "Dimming
Comfort without OFF telegram" and
"Dimming Comfort with OFF telegram"
allow the operation of the rotary knob
dependent on speed and rotation angle
in order to transmit relative dimming
commands. Here, depending on the
speed of rotation, relative dimming is
possible by small and large step widths.
During a slow operation (notch by
notch), the rotary knob transmits
dimming commands to the actuator in a
small step width. This step width is
configured by this parameter.
This parameter is only visible with the
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Software "Rotary sensor with extensions 10FE1x"