Signal Fail
A signal indicating that associated data has failed in the sense that a near-end defect
condition (non-degrade defect) is active.
Single-line High speed Digital Subscriber Line
Side Mode Suppression
The Side Mode Suppression Ratio (SMSR) is the ratio of the largest peak of the total
source spectrum to the second largest peak.
signal cable
Common signal cables cover the E1 cable, network cable, and other non-subscriber
signal cable.
Signal Degrade
SD is a signal indicating the associated data has degraded in the sense that a degraded
defect (e.g., dDEG) condition is active.
Signal Fail
SF is a signal indicating the associated data has failed in the sense that a near-end defect
condition (not being the degraded defect) is active.
Simple Network
Management Protocol
A network management protocol of TCP/IP. It enables remote users to view and modify
the management information of a network element. This protocol ensures the
transmission of management information between any two points. The polling
mechanism is adopted to provide basic function sets. According to SNMP, agents, which
can be hardware as well as software, can monitor the activities of various devices on the
network and report these activities to the network console workstation. Control
information about each device is maintained by a management information block.
slide rail
Angle-bars on which shelves and chassis may slide and be supported within a cabinet or
Small Form-Factor
A specification for a new generation of optical modular transceivers.
SubNetwork Connection
Subnetwork connection multipath protection
SubNetwork Connection Protection
SNCP node
Set the SNC node on the protection sub-network to support sub-network connection
protection that spans protection sub-networks. The SNCP node of the ring sub-network
can support electric circuit dually feed and selectively receive a timeslot out of the ring,
thus implementing sub-network connection protection. The SNCP node is generally set
on the node on the line board with the path protection type of the dual fed and selectively
Subnetwork Connection Tunnel Protection
Simple Network Management Protocol
Signal Noise Ratio
space diversity
A diversity scheme that enables two or more antennas separated by a specific distance
to transmit/receive the same signal and selection is then performed between the two
signals to ease the impact of fading. Currently, only receive SD is used.
Spanning Tree Protocol
STP is a protocol that is used in the LAN to remove the loop. STP applies to the redundant
network to block some undesirable redundant paths through certain algorithms and prune
a loop network into a loop-free tree network.
Synchronous Physical Interface
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
A Glossary and Acronyms
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.