7.53 Bound CAR (Flow Configuration)
7.54 Bound CoS (Flow Configuration)
7.55 CAR ID (CAR Configuration)
7.56 Enabled/Disabled (CAR Configuration)
7.57 Committed Information Rate (kbit/s) (CAR Configuration)
7.58 Committed Burst Size (kbyte) (CAR Configuration)
7.59 Peak Information Rate (kbit/s) (CAR Configuration)
7.60 Maximum Burst Size (kbyte) (CAR Configuration)
7.61 CoS ID (CoS Configuration)
7.62 CoS Type (CoS Configuration)
7.63 CoS Priority (CoS Configuration)
7.64 Port Priority (Link Aggregation)
7.65 System Priority (Link Aggregation)
7.66 Status (Link Aggregation)
7.67 Load Sharing(Ethernet Link Aggregation)
7.68 Protocol Enabled (Spanning Tree)
7.69 Protocol Type (Spanning Tree Protocol)
7.70 Priority (Bridge Parameters)
7.72 Hello Time(s) (Spanning Tree)
7.73 Forward Delay(s) (Spanning Tree)
7.74 TxHoldCount(per second) (Spanning Tree)
7.76 Hold Count (Spanning Tree)
7.79 Designated Root Bridge Priority
7.80 Designated Bridge Priority(Spanning Tree)
7.81 Designated Bridge MAC Address (Spanning Tree)
7.82 Edge Port Status (Spanning Tree)
7.83 Point to Point Attributes(External Ethernet Port Attributes)
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
7 List of Parameters
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.