Administrative Unit
The information structure which provides adaptation between the higher order path layer
and the multiplex section layer. It consists of an information payload (the higher order
VC) and a AU pointer which indicates the offset of the payload frame start relative to
the multiplex section frame start.
Administrative Unit
One or more administrative units occupying fixed, defined positions in an STM payload.
An AUG consists of AU-4s.
A user who has authority to access all the Management Domains of the product. He or
she has access to the whole network and to all the management functionalities.
Aging time
The time to live before an object becomes invalid.
Alarm Indication Signal
A message reported when a fault is detected by a device or by the network management
system during the process of polling devices. Each alarm corresponds to a recovery
alarm. After a recovery alarm is received, the status of the corresponding alarm changes
to cleared.
Alarm automatic
A function wherein an alarm generated on the device side is immediately and
automatically reported to the NMS. After an alarm is reported, an alarm panel prompts,
and the user can view the details of the alarm.
alarm cable
The cable for generation of visual or audio alarms.
alarm filtering
An alarm management method. Alarms are detected and reported to the NMS system,
and whether the alarm information is displayed and saved is decided by the alarm filtering
status. An alarm with the filtering status set to "Filter" is not displayed and saved on the
NMS, but is monitored on the NE.
alarm indication
A function that indicates the alarm status of an NE. On the cabinet of an NE, there are
four indicators in different colors indicating the current alarm status of the NE. When
the green indicator is on, the NE is powered on. When the red indicator is on, a critical
alarm is generated. When the orange indicator is on, a major alarm is generated. When
the yellow indicator is on, a minor alarm is generated. The ALM alarm indicator on the
front panel of a board indicates the current status of the board.
Alarm indication signal
A code sent downstream in a digital network as an indication that an upstream failure
has been detected and alarmed. It is associated with multiple transport layers.
Alarm inversion
For the port that has already been configured but has no service, this function can be
used to avoid generating relevant alarm information, thus preventing alarm interference.
The alarm report condition of the NE port is related to the alarm inverse mode (not
inverse, automatic recovery and manual recovery) setting of the NE and the alarm
inversion status (Enable and Disable) setting of the port. When the alarm inversion mode
of NE is set to no inversion, alarms of the port will be reported as usual no matter whatever
the inversion status of the port is. When the alarm inversion mode of the NE is set to
automatic recovery, and the alarm inversion state of the port is set to Enabled, then the
alarm of the port will be suppressed. The alarm inversion status of the port will
automatically recover to "not inverse" after the alarm ends. For the port that has already
been configured but not actually loaded with services, this function can be used to avoid
generating relevant alarm information, thus preventing alarm interference. When the
alarm inverse mode of the NE is set as "not automatic recovery", if the alarm inversion
status of the port is set as Enable, the alarm of the port will be reported.
Alarm Masking
An alarm management method. Alarms that are set to be masked are not displayed on
the NMS or the NMS does not monitor unimportant alarms.
A Glossary and Acronyms
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)