Value Range
Port Type
If a board supports the MPLS
function, its port type can be set to
PE or P. Default value: PE.
If a board supports the QinQ
function, its port type can be set to
UNI, C-Aware, or S-Aware.
Default value: UNI.
Specifies the
network attribute of
a port.
A provider edge
(PE) port refers to
the edge port that is
provided by the
service provider. A
PE port can transmit
and receive
standard Ethernet
frames, because its
default MPLS
encapsulation type
is invalid.
A provider (P) port
refers to the port on
the core network of
the service
provider. A P port
can transmit and
receive the packets
that contain MPLS
labels, because its
default tag attribute
is invalid.
If a port is in UNI
mode and processes
802.1Q tag
attribute, this port
has the Tag Aware,
Access, and Hybrid
If a port is in C-
Aware mode, this
port does not
process the packets
with 802.1Q tag
attributes. In this
case, this port
considers that the
accessed packets
contain C-VLAN
tags rather than S-
VLAN tags.
If a port is in S-
Aware mode, this
port does not
OptiX OSN 550 Multi-Service CPE Optical Transmission
Configuration Guide
4 Configuring Ethernet Services
Issue 02 (2011-06-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.