Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6 Function Introduction
HD3Z Series User Manual V1.2
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Waiting time for restart after power failure
0.00 - 10.00 [2.00s]
Overvoltage suppression gain
0.000 - 1.000 [0.000]
0: Forbid stall overvoltage.
0.001 - 1.000: Enable stall overvoltage.
When HD3Z is running, it detects busbar voltage and compares it with F19.19, if busbar voltage >
F19.19, HD3Z will increase output frequency to avoid large load feedback.
If F19.18 is too small, it can not effectively supress increase of busbar voltage.
If F19.18 is too large, output frequency will fluctuate even system oscillates; To avoide this problem,
increase duration of Dec. process.
Note: If stall overvoltage states for more than 1 minute, HD3Z reports stall overvlotage fault (E0007), and stops
Stall overvoltage point
650 - 790 [690V]
If overvoltage occurs suring running, properly increase stall overvoltage gain and decrease F19.19.
Stall overvoltage and braking unit:
Usually when appling braking units to inverter,
please forbid stall overvoltage (F19.18 = 0).
But if feedback energy is too large at loading
moment and delayed energy release of braking
unit, HD3Z will adopt overvoltage protection.
To avoid protection, enable stall overvoltage and
(F19.19) should > action voltage of braking unit.
F = F19.18 × (V
- F19.19)
Auto current limit gain
0.000 - 1.000 [0.500]
Output frequency of HD3Z > F19.21, HD3Z will limit current to avoid over-current protection.
Adjust F19.20 according to actual load:
If F19.20 is too small, it can not fully limit increase of output current;
If F19.20 is too large, output frequency will fluctuate even system oscillates.
Auto current limt is invalid when F19.20 = 0.
Auto current limit threshold
20.0 - 200.0 [120.0%]
Defines the current threshold of auto current limit. The current = F19.21 × rated current of HD3Z.
When auto current limit is valid, if F19.21 is too small, it may affect the load capacity of HD3Z.
Enabled terminal at power on
0,1 [0]
Valid only in two-wire control.
0: Rise edge.
For many applications, HD3Z is not allowed to auto run to avoid device damage and ensure safety due
to no person interference at power on. In these applications, when the inverter has power initialized
and ready to run, it can not start to run until the terminal run command is given.
1: Level.
For certain applications, when ensured personal safety and device safety, HD3Z needs immediately run
at power on in order to provide automation and efficiency. In these applications, HD3Z will
immediately run as soon as the terminal running command is given whether before or after power on.
Flux braking
0,1 [0]
0: Disabled.
1: Enable, and disable stall overvoltage automatically.
Note: Please set F19.25 = 0 when brake a lot, otherwise will damage the motor.
Busbar voltage
Setting frequency