Edge Switch 2/12 Service Manual
Inspect and service the host bus adapters (HBAs) as necessary.
Did service of the HBAs solve the problem?
Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
A port connection is not allowed because of an Exchange Security Attribute
(ESA) feature mismatch between two fabric elements. The SANtegrity binding
feature must be enabled on both switches, and switch and fabric binding
parameters must be compatible. At the EWS interface for both switches:
1. At the View panel, select Configure at the left side of the panel. The
Configure panel opens with the Ports page displayed.
2. Click the Security tab, then click the Switch Binding tab. The Switch
Binding page displays.
3. Ensure the switch binding state is enabled (noted at the top of the page) for
both switches.
4. Ensure the Connection Policy (Enable & Restrict E_Ports, Enable & Restrict
F_Ports, Enable & Restrict All Ports, or Disable Switch Binding) is
compatible for both switches.
5. The Attached Nodes drop-down list contains the world wide names of
attached Fibre Channel devices. Ensure these switch binding membership lists
are compatible for both switches
— To add a member (node or device) to the switch binding membership list
displayed at the bottom of the page, select a WWN from the Attached
Nodes drop-down list and click the adjacent Add Member button; or
type a new WWN in the Detached Node (WWN) field and click the
adjacent Add Member button.
— To delete a device from the switch binding membership list, click the
Delete button adjacent to the device WWN. A confirmation dialog box
appears. Click OK to close the dialog box and delete the device.
6. Click Submit. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click OK to close the
confirmation dialog box, activate the selected connection policy, and change
the switch binding state.