Edge Switch 2/12 Service Manual
Install an SFP optical transceiver in the port receptacle. Refer to “
Replace an SFP Optical Transceiver
This procedure can be performed while the switch is powered on and
Verify location of the uninstalled port.
Perform an external loopback test for the port as part of FRU removal and
replacement. Refer to.
Exit MAP.
As indicated by a message or event code 080, the eight-byte (16-digit) worldwide
name (WWN) entered to configure port binding is not valid or a nickname was
used that is not configured for the attached device. Inspect port binding
parameters at the EWS interface.
1. At the View panel, select Configure at the left side of the panel. The
Configure panel opens with the Ports page displayed.
2. Click the Security tab, then click the Port Binding tab. The Port Binding
page displays.
3. Inspect entries in the Port WWN column. These are WWNs assigned to the
port or Fibre Channel interface installed on the attached device.
— If a nickname is not assigned to the WWN, the WWN is prefixed by the
device manufacturer’s name.
— If a nickname is assigned to the WWN, the nickname appears in place of
the WWN.
4. The bound WWN must be entered in the form of a raw WWN format
) or must be a valid nickname. Ensure a
valid WWN or nickname is entered.
Did configuring the WWN or nickname solve the problem?
The switch appears operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.