XLS80e Fire Alarm Control Panels
Honeywell, Issue 9
March 2007
12.2 Bad Poll Log
This display identifies:
a. The number of bad polls for each loop.
b. The number of bad polls across the RS485
link, if the panel is on a network or has
repeaters connected.
If there are no faults, all indications will show
12.3 Display Active Control Matrix
Access level 3. This display shows the rule
number(s) (see
Section 7.5.1
) of all currently-
active Control Matrix rules. If no rules are
active, ‘(none)’ is displayed.
12.4 Unconfigured Devices Scan Menu
Access level 3. The Unconfigured Devices
Scan menu option is displayed (its option
number depends upon the Log/Display/Print
menu options, e.g. printer, that are configured).
The menu controls the display (on the AUX
tab) of unconfigured loop devices found by the
panel during polling. It has the following
a. RE-SCAN, which causes the panel to clear
all indications of unconfigured devices,
scan the loops and then store the list of
any devices still unconfigured. This allows
devices that were present on the loop but
have since been removed to be identified.
The process takes up to about five minutes.
Use RE-SCAN to re-enable scanning if it
is currently disabled.
b. DISABLE clears the indicated devices from
the AUX tab and prevents the panel from
detecting further unconfigured devices.
c. SHOW and HIDE, which respectively
display or hide the list of unconfigured
devices from users at access levels 1 and
2. If there are no devices left to show as a
result of HIDE, the AUX tab disappears
(assuming there are no AUX inputs active).
If scanning is currently disabled, this is
indicated on line 2).
Log/display/print menu
2:Print device data
3:Display/print event log
4:Printer Control
Service Mon 03-May-2004 10:25:00
Display Active Control Matrix Rules
Display Active Control Matrix Rules
1 3
Log/display/print menu
2:Print device data
3:Display/print event log
4:Display Active Control Matrix Rules
Service Tue 27-Jul-2004 11:20:07
Unconfigured Devices Scan Menu
Unconfigured Devices Scan Menu
1:RE-SCAN for Unconfigured Devices
3:SHOW All Unconfigured Devices
4:HIDE All Unconfigured Devices
Service Tue 27-Jul-2004 11:20:07
DISABLE Unconfigured Devices Scan
Unconfigured Devices Scan Menu
(Scan Currently DISABLED)
1:RE-SCAN for Unconfigured Devices
3:SHOW All Unconfigured Devices
Service Tue 27-Jul-2004 11:20:07
DISABLE Unconfigured Devices Scan