Honeywell, Issue 9
March 2007
XLS80e Fire Alarm Control Panels
Logic Operation with Transfer Flags
A number of Control Matrix entries can be
logically combined by using the same Transfer
Flag number (range 1 to 128) in their
statement. The input statement must be Alarm,
Pre-alarm, Non-fire (AUX), another Transfer
Flag or TRUE. Any Control Matrix entries that
have the numbered output Transfer Flag in
statement are then activated in
accordance with the logic combination.
Example entries are given in
Section 7.9.1
XLSNET only: input statement Transfer
Flags can be selected from a remote
panel, but only if this option is enabled
in the Network Panel Settings
Section 11.22
) on the remote panel.
If an output of the panel (whether referred to
explicitly or by its inclusion in a zone, cell or
device type) is controlled both by a Control
Matrix entry that includes a logical operation
and by an entry that does not include a logical
operation, the effect is an implied ‘OR’ between
these entries.
The available logic options are shown opposite.
‘No logic relationship’ means that the transfer
flag is used for another purpose, e.g. to link the
output of one entry which has a delay to the
input of another entry, which also has a delay.
Restrictions on the availablility and use of
transfer flags:
a. If a Transfer Flag number has already been
used for another purpose, it is not available
for logic operations and the Transfer Flag
options are not displayed in the Control
Matrix entry.
b. If a Transfer Flag number has already been
used for a logic operation on another
Control Matrix entry, it is not available for
another purpose. The ‘No Logic Relationship’
option is not displayed. The remaining
options are displayed as shown opposite.
7.9.1 Example Logic Operations
Precedence: All entries which have the ‘AND’
operator together with the inverse of all entries
which have ‘AND-NOT’ are AND’ed together.
The result is then OR’ed with all entries which
have the ‘OR’ operator.
The order in which the entries appear
in the Control Matrix has no effect.
If any entries have an AND-NOT operator,
there must be at least one entry with an AND
operator using the same Transfer Flag.
Example entry in Control Matrix:
The following message is displayed if a Transfer Flag has been
used for a logic operation and the current input is not Alarm,
Pre-alarm, Non-fire, another Transfer Flag or TRUE:
INVALID: Please select another FLAG
Press any key to returrn to Transfer Flag number entry.
Logic Operations are a
powerful enhancement to
the Control Matrix. Check
all entries carefully to
avoid unexpected results.