Follow User: Backspace-a (dot 1)
Following: Backspace-l (dots 1-2-3)
Followers: Backspace-e (dots 1-5)
Global Search: Space-f (dots 1-2-4)
User Search: Backspace-f (dots 1-2-4)
Search Word List: Backspace-w(dots 2-4-5-6)
Next List: Enter-n (dots 1-3-4-5)
Refresh: Enter-r (dots 1-2-3-5)
Exit: Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
Move to the next tweet: Space-4
Move to the previous tweet: Space-1
Move to the first tweet on the refreshing list: Space-1-2-3
Move to the last tweet on the refreshing list: Space-4-5-6
Move to the previous 32 list: Space-1-2-6
Move to the next 32 list: Space-3-4-5
Move to the previous list: up scroll button (Space-1)
Move to the next list: down scroll button (Space-4)
Move to the top of the list: Ctrl-home (Space-1-2-3)/ Home (Space-1-3)
Move to the bottom the list: Ctrl-end (Space-4-5-6)/ End (Space-4-6)
Enter into selected folder or open the selected file: Enter
Move to the upper level folder: Backspace
16.5.2 Google talk
File (f) Menu Commands
Sign out (l): Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Export Contact Lists(x): Backspace-x (dots 1-3-4-6)
Import Contact Lists (i): Backspace-i (dots 2-4)
Exit (z): Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)
Action (a) Menu Commands
Start Chat (s): Enter-s (dots 2-3-4)
Start Voice Chat: Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)
Send File (f): Enter-f (dots 1-2-4)
Move to Recently Chat (r): Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Manage Chat (m): Enter-m (dots 1-3-4)