5) Tweet button: Using this button, you can write tweet. You can launch
the function by pressing "Enter-t (dots 2-3-4-5)" or "Enter" key on the
6) Reply button: you can write reply on the focused tweets. You can
launch the function pressing "Enter-y (dots 1-3-4-5-6)" or "Enter" key
on the button.
7) Remove button: You can delete tweet that you posted. You can
launch the function pressing “Space-d (dots 1-4-5)" or "Enter" key on
the button. This button appears, only when focus is on tweet which
you posted. If other’s tweet is focused, this button can’t appear.
8) Retweet button: You can repost another user's tweet. You can
launch the function by pressing "Enter-e (dots 1-5)" or "Enter" key on
the button. ‘Retweet’ button can’t appear when focus is on your
9) Add to Favorite button: You can add focused tweet to the ‘Favorite
list’. You can launch the function by pressing "Enter-v (dots 1-2-3-6)"
or "Enter" key on the button.
Tweet Information: You can view detailed information of the
focused tweet. You can execute this function by pressing ‘Enter’ on
‘Tweet Information’ button or ‘Backspace-i (dots 2-4)’.
16.2.4 Timeline
Braille Sense Twitter Program assists a variety of Timeline list. On
‘Twitter Window', Timeline displays tweets corresponded to each
timeline. With hot key, you can display the desired tweets, switching
Timelines quickly. In other words, it is possible to display given mentions
and specific user’s tweets. A kinds of Timeline
1) Home Timeline: ‘Home Timeline’ is displayed when you sign in
"Twitter" at first.
2) All tweets which your follows posted appear. The hot key for ‘Home
Timeline’ is "Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)". No matter what Timeline is
displayed, if you press "Enter-h (dots 1-2-5)", refreshing ‘Home
Timeline’ will represent.