Display network status: Ctrl-shift-n in the Braille Sense U2 “program”
Voice volume up: F6
Voice volume down: Shift-F6
Voice rate up: F7
Voice rate down: Shift-F7
Voice pitch up: F8
Voice pitch down: Shift-F8
Voice on/off: F5
Braille display on/off: F4
Bluetooth on/off: F9
Wireless LAN on/off: F11
21.2 File Manager
21.2.1 Navigation keys on the file list and menu list
Move to previous item: Up Arrow key
Move to next item: Down Arrow key
Move to the beginning of the list: Ctrl-home
Move to the end of the list: Ctrl-end
21.2.2 Navigation Keys in the File List
Fast move to folder list or move to file list: Ctrl-down Arrow
Move between file list and address window: Tab / shift-tab
Enter into selected folder or open the selected file: Enter
Move to the upper level folder: Backspace
Fast move to the top level disk: Shift-Backspace
21.2.3 Item (Folder or File) Selection Keys
Select item by item: Space
Continuous selection: Ctrl-b
Select all: Ctrl-a