3.2.35 Check Today’s Schedule
In the “Schedule manager” (which you will learn about later), you are
able to keep track of your appointments, using the Braille Sense U2. The
Braille Sense U2 is able to check today’s schedule when you turn it on.
You can decide if you want the Braille Sense U2 to show today’s
schedule when it powers on. The short cut key for this option is “s (dots
2-3-4).” To toggle this option between off and on, press “Space.”
If you have changed the setting, press “Enter” key to save the setting.
You can also “tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)” to the
“Confirm” button, and press “Enter.” If you do not want to save the
setting, “tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)” to the “Cancel”
button, and then press “Enter.” You can also cancel saving the setting by
pressing “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)” or “Space-e (dots 1-5).”
3.2.36 One-Handed Mode
You can choose one-handed mode on or off when you use the Braille
Sense U2. The shortcut key is “h (dots 1-2-5).” The default for this option
is set to “Off.” The setting options are “On” and “Off.” The detail
information about one-handed mode refers to “2.14 One-Handed Mode.”
If you have changed the setting, press “Enter” key to save the setting.
You can also “tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)” to the
“Confirm” button, and press “Enter.” If you do not want to save the
setting, “tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)” to the “Cancel”
button, and then press “Enter.” You can also cancel saving the setting by
pressing “Space-z (dots 1-3-5-6)” or “Space-e (dots 1-5).”
For your reference, this option is set to “Off” even if you are set to “On”
when connected the Braille Sense U2 to USB keyboard. And if you
remove the USB keyboard, this option will be returned to value that
before you connected to the USB keyboard.