1. Set up on the Braille Sense U2:
1) Turn Bluetooth on using Backspace with 3-4-5-6.
2) Execute Terminal for Screen reader on the Utilities menu.
3) Choose "Bluetooth Serial port" and then pres ”Enter”.
4) Braille Sense U2 will display "Terminal Mode"
2. Set up on the I-Phone:
1) Go to Settings/General/Accessibility/VoiceOver/Braille.
2) If Bluetooth is not trned on the I-Phone, it will prompt you to do this.
Then, I-Phone will search for devices.
3) If everything goes to plan, it will find the Braille Sense U2.
4) Double tap on the I-Phone.
5) You will be asked for a pin code.
6) Enter any 4 number code of your choosing.
7) Double tap the "Pair" button.
The Braille Sense U2 will ask for a pin code. Enter the same pin code
and press Enter. If all goes to plan, you should be paired.
To exit the “Terminal for Screen reader” press the “Backspace-Space-z
(dots 1-3-5-6)”.
17.10 Setup Internet
The “Setup internet” function is used to set up your IP configuration. In
“Setup internet,” you will find “LAN,” “Wireless LAN,” “Modem”, “ADSL,”
and “Bluetooth DUN.” You can move between the four items by pressing
“Space-4” or “Space-1.” The “LAN” setup should be used if you are
connecting to the Internet via a network or router. The “Modem” setup
should be used if you are connecting to the Internet via a dial-up modem.
The “ADSL” setup should be used if you are connecting to the Internet
via a DSL modem. To connect to the Internet via a wireless network, use
the “Wireless LAN” function.