2.8 How to type the character
In the document, “edit box” and “multi edit box” on Braille Sense U2, you
can enter the grade 1 or grade 2 Braille. But in the “computer edit box”
such as “To” in email program, you have to enter the computer Braille. If
you want to enter the capital letter, you can use the “capital sign (Space-
u (dots 1-3-6))” when you enter the computer Braille. For example, if you
want to enter the “H” in computer edit box, you press “Space-u (dots 1-3-
6)” and press “dots 1-2-5.” If you press “Space-u (dots 1-3-6)” twice,
capitals continue until you turn off by pressing “Space-u (dots 1-3-6).”
You can use the “Space-Backspace” instead of “capital sign (Space-u).”
Only, you have press “Space-Backspace” and “dots 1-2-5”
simultaneously. Also you can use the “capital sign” when you enter the
“at sign.” To input the “at sign,” you need to press “Space-u (dots 1-3-6)”
and press “dot 4.” Also you can input the “at sign” by pressing “Space-
Backspace-dot 4.” And if you want to enter the number, you can use the
“number sign (dots 3-4-5-6).” But in the computer edit box, you have to
input the number in computer Braille that lowered by one row and no
number sign.
2.8.1 The ASCII table for a computer Braille input
exclamation mark: dots 2-3-4-6
quotation mark: dot 5
number sign: dots 3-4-5-6
dollar sign: dots 1-2-4-6
percent: dots 1-4-6
ampersand: dots 1-2-3-4-6
apostrophe: dot 3
left parenthesis: dots 1-2-3-5-6
right parenthesis: dots 2-3-4-5-6
asterisk: dots 1-6
PLUS: dots 3-4-6
comma: dot 6