are editing a document, the setting will be valid on the rest of the
You can navigate the menu items with “Space-1” or “Space-4,” and you
can move to “Confirm” or “Cancel” by pressing “tab” (“Space-4-5” or
“F3”). You can skip an item by pressing “Space-4” if you don’t want to
change the default setting.
The following are the items that can be changed:
1. Set characters per line
This sets the number of characters (Braille) per line to emboss in
Braille. The default value is set to 32. Type in the number of
characters per line, if you decide you want to change the value. Then,
you can move to the next setting by pressing “Space-4.”
2. Set lines per page
This sets the number of lines per page to be embossed. It includes
the line that the page number is printed in. For example, if it is set to
26, the content of the document will be embossed with 25 lines and
the page number is printed as the 26th line. If you want to change the
value, type in the number of lines that you want to emboss. Then, you
can move to the next setting by pressing “Space-4.”
3. Print type
This sets whether the document will be embossed on a single sided
or a double sided (both sides). The default value is set to double side
embossing. If you want to emboss using single sided embossing,
press “Space” until “Print type: Single sided” is displayed on the
Braille display. Then, the setting will be changed to single side
embossing. If you want to go back to double side printing again, press
“Space” again, and “Print type: Double sided” will be displayed. After
setting your preference, move to the next setting by pressing “Space-
4. Page numbering type
This sets the numbering type for embossing a document. The default
type is set to “Double sided.” It means that the page number will be
embossed on every page. The setting values are “Double sided,”
“Odd,” “Even,” and “None.” These settings are changed when you