5. Layout menu
Braille document layout: Backspace-p (dots 1-2-3-4)
Print document layout: Backspace-t (dots 2-3-4-5)
Braille paragraph layout: Backspace-1-2-4-6
Print paragraph layout: Backspace-2-3-4-6
6. Miscellaneous hot keys
Move to previous character: Space-3
Move to next character: Space-6
Move to previous word: Space-2
Move to next word: Space-5
Move to the beginning of the line: Home (Space-1-3)
Move to the end of the line: End (Space-4-6)
Move to previous sentence: Space-2-3-5
Move to next sentence: Space-2-5-6
Move to previous line: Space-1or up scroll button
Move to next line: Space-4 or down scroll button
Move to previous paragraph: Space-2-3
Move to next paragraph: Space-5-6
Move to the beginning of the document: Ctrl-home (Space-1-2-3)
Move to the end of the document: Ctrl-end (Space-4-5-6)
Read current paragraph: Space-2-3-5-6
Read current sentence: Space-1-4-5-6
Read current line: Space-1-4
Read current word: Space-2-5
Read current character: Space-3-6
Delete current paragraph: Backspace-2-3-5-6
Delete current line: Backspace-1-4
Delete current word: Backspace-2-5
Delete current character: Space-d (dots 1-4-5)
Confirm current cursor position: Space-1-5-6
Set view format character: Space-1-4-6
Set reading unit: Space-2-4-6
Set read only: Space-3-4-6
Set reading mode: Space-1-2-4-6