11.5.2 Add to Favorites
You can add the web page that you are reading now to the “Favorites”
list. In order to add the web page to the “Favorites” list, press “Space-m
(dots 1-3-4)” or “F2,” and move to “Favorites” by pressing “Space-4.”
Then, press “Enter.” Then, move to “Add To Favorites” by pressing
“Space-4,” and then press “Enter.” You can activate “Add To Favorites”
by pressing “Backspace-a (dot 1)” when the Web browser is running.
“Add To Favorites” is a dialog box that contains the following: a list box
that shows the current favorites list (including the folders and files of
your favorites), an edit window for the web page address where you can
enter, type, confirm, and cancel. You can move from one item to the
next by pressing “tab (“Space-4-5”)” or “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)”.
When you open “Add To Favorites,” the edit window will appear first. In
this edit window, you can type in the title of the current web page that
you are reading. The extension name (.URL) will be attached
automatically to the title name that you have written.
If you want to edit only a part of the current title name, press the cursor
routing key that is furthest to the left. Then, the current title name will be
displayed on the Braille display. You can press the cursor routing key
where you want to edit the text, and then modify it. Make sure that you
do not use “:” in the title name.
The favorites list will be saved in the “/flashdisk/favorites” folder. This
folder is the default folder, and you cannot make your desired folder
above this folder (a higher level folder).
If you want to add your “Favorites” list to the folder you made, rather
than the default folder, press “shift-tab (“Space-1-2”)”, and select the
desired folder by pressing “Space-1” or “Space-4.” Then, press “Enter.”
11.5.3 Favorites List